International exposure with international faculties

Students globally connect with teachers from diverse universities, fostering cultural understanding and adopting international etiquette, enriching their educational experience and global perspective.

Holistic Development

KCS offer Cambridge English courses for global standards and ABACUS classes to foster mental growth. Join us for quality education and holistic development.

Special Education

KCS provides specialized education, enhancing students' abilities through advanced features, educational tools, and a practical-based approach.

Book & Library

At KCS, we take pride in our well-equipped library featuring a wide variety of books. Additionally, our smart board-equipped environment empowers students to utilize these resources for enhancing their knowledge effectively.

Kathmandu Columbus School

A step in the right direction can lead to a journey of miles; education in the context of Nepal is hope for its development. The school has maintained a truly modern-day marvel, which is one of the best and high-standard quality education catering centers at Buddha Nagar at the heart of Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. Children can build up confidence to tackle any problem they come across in their future professional careers.

We believe that every child is a unique individual with their own characteristics and temperament. Children need a loving and close relationship with people taking care of them to create a new generation with a responsible attitude to society and the future of Nepal. Young children learn most effectively through hands-on experience. It is our challenge as well as an opportunity to establish high academic standards for the all-round development of the children with linguistic, numeric, spiritual, emotional, and social skills.


Years experience


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Happy Smiles

Principal Message

I am thrilled to be a part of the KCS Family and am honored to lead it towards becoming one of the finest educational institutions. Serving as the Principal here fills me with pride. Our KCS Family comprises dedicated Board Members, committed teachers, supportive parents, hardworking students, and reliable non-teaching staff. KCS stands out due to its exceptional facilities, skilled educators, practical-oriented teaching, and personalized attention to students with diverse capabilities. The institution offers a range of Extra Curricular Activities to unearth students' hidden talents, potentially shaping their future careers. We firmly believe that every child possesses the ability to accomplish something significant.........

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Ways to manage an eye infection:

Wash hands often, avoid rubbing eyes, use warm/cold compress for itching, keep personal items separate, no makeup sharing, avoid contacts, rest eyes from screens, sanitize devices, use lubricating drops, avoid patches, and skip swimming. Seek medical advice for relief and prevention.

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Make Your Parents Proud By Studying Smart Not Hard.

Nowadays, studying smart not hard is challenging for every student. Indeed there is a rush of getting better grades in the final exams. Getting better grades and scores doesnโ€™t necessarily have to mean studying for more hours. Eventually, you will be losing your sleep and, cutting your game time and family time. Further losing sleep, and cutting your game/sports time will have an adverse effect on your health as well as studies.

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Precaution To Be Followed By Parents On Handing Gadgets

There are many things a parent should consider before providing a smartphone and/or laptop to their children. A smartphone/tablet/laptop is a must-have for everyone today and even kids need to study, communicate, socialize, and for entertainment. We are going to discuss how to have better parent-child relationships and encourage healthier tech habits.

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